Meet the Owner


Merrill Taylor, CPA

Merrill was employed by large CPA firms for the first 10 years of his career. He then started his own CPA firm in 2015. As Merrill's client base grew, he started to notice how much clients were paying in taxes. Merrill wanted to help his clients save as much money in taxes as possible. Merrill became frustrated with how difficult it was to find ways to save money on taxes, even after he spent thousands of dollars on research. Over a period of years, Merrill collected tax savings strategies that he uses with his clients to help them save as much as possible in taxes.

Proactive Planning Team

Your local “eyes and ears” to help you focus on planning priorities and identify opportunities.

Virtual Family Office

Your national experts that provide the “best of the best” in tax planning, legal, risk mitigation, wealth management, and business advisory services.